Monday, December 27, 2010

how to quit smoking?

Your chances of quitting successfully are greatly increased with thoughtful preparation and effective planning.

If you have followed the tips so far you will have learnt about the power of nicotine addiction, why you smoke and how to deal with nicotine addiction, weight gain, cravings and stress.

It is now time to begin putting this together in your personal quitting plan.

really want to quit? so here's the tips fer you:

1. Start with some pre-preparation by ensuring that you really do want to quit smoking cigarettes and understanding why you smoke.

Are these reasons powerful enough to motivate you when you are faced with those tricky situations?

Write down your reasons for quitting. You may want to take a look at some of the benefits of quitting.

2. Set yourself a date for quitting. Try and choose a date that will be stress free but when you can find plenty to do to keep yourself busy. Try and set a date within about two weeks of reading this.

3. Ask your doctor for advice. This is especially important if you have health problems or are concerned about issues such as weight gain.

4. Consider finding yourself a quitting partner relatives, work colleagues and friends are a good place to start. Set a date to quit together and you will be able to give each other support.

5. Tell your family and friends about your intentions. Ask them for their support before you quit and explain that you may not be yourself while experiencing withdrawal. When you reach your quitting date rely on those that have been most encouraging for support.

6. Think about starting an exercise program and a sensible eating plan. Again speak to your doctor or dietician. Exercise will give you more energy and help you to relax and relieve stress.

7. You should know what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, drinking in a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers while you are trying to quit or if that's not possible, decide how you will deal with the triggers.

8. Decide what you will do when you experience cravings. As we've discussed deep breathing, a short walk and keeping you self busy will help to take your mind off the cravings. Perhaps you can think of other ways. Write them down. Remember these cravings will only last for 3-5 minutes at a time.

9. If you have tried quitting before maybe you came across a stumbling block which we have discussed such as finding something to do with your hands. If so, you need to arm yourself with a solution to these foreseeable problems. Get yourself a pen, or stress relief aid to fiddle with, if occupying your hands is a problem.

10. Be positive and confident you can quit. You have spent time and energy planning how you will deal with the task ahead by following our tips for giving up smoking. Believe you can and you will do it if you persevere.

Ten of thousands of people are quitting every day around the world. You can be one of them.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

how to gain weight.

While most people struggle to lose weight, there are those out there who are trying to gain weight. Whether it is to make a team, or you just decided that being too skinny has a lot of drawbacks, some people decide they have to put on a few pounds. Here's how to put on some weight in a healthy way. Aim for large meals everyday but still have them healthy. Fats and meats are good foods to gain weight on.


1) Determine how many calories your body requires per day to maintain your existing weight by calculating your resting metabolic rate (RMR).

2) Calculate how many calories you need to consume per day to gain weight. Add at least 500 calories per day to your daily requirement. If you need 2300 calories a day to maintain your current weight, strive to consume 2800 calories daily [2]. If you engage in any physical activity, add more calories to account for the calories burned through physical activity. For instance, a 130 lb. person who does 30 minutes of vigorous weight training burns approximately 180 calories.[3] On that day, he or she should consume 500 + 180 calories in addition to the daily requirement calculated in the previous step.

3) Change your eating habits. Aim for three large meals and 2-3 hefty snacks per day.[4] Drink shakes, milk, or juice instead of water, coffee, tea, or diet soda.[4] Focus on the following foods:

  • Breads - hearty and dense (whole wheat, oat bran, pumpernickel, rye) are more nutritious than white bread; cut thick slices and spread generously with peanut butter, jam, honey, hummus, or cream cheese.
  • Vegetables - look for starchy vegetables (potatoes, peas, corns, carrots, winter squash, beets) versus watery vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, cucumbers).
  • Fruit - choose dense fruit (bananas, pears, apples, pineapple, dried fruit) over watery fruit (oranges, peaches, plums, berries, watermelon).
  • Soups - Go for hearty cream soups instead of broth-based soups. If you have trouble with edema or high blood pressure you may want to avoid all store-bought soup.
  • Added oils - in cooking, add a generous amount of oil. The healthiest oils are unrefined (extra virgin) oils such as olive, coconut, canola, palm, and of course butter. The less healthy but still acceptable sources of oil are those high in omega-6 fatty acids (pro-inflammatory) such as safflower, sunflower, and peanut oils. The unhealthy oils are those containing trans fat such as shortening, and the antinutrient-rich soybean oil (aka vegetable oil).
  • Spreads! - Spreading delicious calorie-rich toppings on toast, crackers, pita, and any other carbohydrate source is an excellent way to increase caloric intake. Some good high-calorie spreads are guacamole, olive oil, cream cheese, hummus, butter, nut butters, sour cream, cheese slices, mayonnaise. Even better is to mix these with shredded meats like chicken or fish.

4) Avoid unhealthy, high-calorie foods. Most important is to avoid trans fats, which increase your risk for disease. Foods that are high in trans fats are: pastry products, cakes, cookies, processed meats, margarine, shortening, and packaged snack foods.

5) Weight train. This will not only help convert the additional calories into muscle rather than fat, but it will also stimulate your appetite. The added muscle will increase your metabolism, so you'll need to consume more calories per day to maintain that weight. During the first month of weight training, you may experience tremendous gains if you are faithful to your schedule. However, also expect this to level off after this initiatory period (This is known in the bodybuilding world as a plateau). You overcome this by re-evaluating your weight and muscle mass, while altering your diet to include more food and heavier weights.

6) Eat more protein. Protein is essential for body function to build and repair muscle tissue. If you don't consume enough protein from raw foods or protein supplements then gaining weight and building muscle will be unachievable. Those looking to gain weight should consume at least 1 gram of quality protein per pound of body weight.

7) Add nuts to your diet. Nuts are a very convenient and a healthy snack so carry containers of nuts with you to snack on throughout the days. Also Goat Milk is healthy and a good way to gain weight.

8) Try a nutritional supplement powder specifically for the purpose of gaining weight. Carefully research this to find one that you like and that it will conveniently suit your lifestyle.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Feeling Angry Is Normal, But You Need These Tips To Manage It Effectively :DD

Things happen frequently that upset us, and sometimes something might happen that leads us to feel angry about the situation. Feeling angry is a normal part of life - just as we feel happy or sad, so too we feel angry from time to time. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. If you ignore anger, it will not go away. Neither will venting about anger make your feelings go away. Pretending to be nice all the time or that everything is fine and burying your feelings of anger will not make them go away. Saying nothing and withdrawing from the situation will not work and neither does denying anything is wrong. Feeling angry is normal but it must be managed to be let go.

3 Steps To Deal With Anger

Step 1: Recognize that you feel angry and know that it is a normal emotion. The first step in dealing with anger is to understand that it is okay to be angry and it is a normal part of life. It is also okay to admit that you are feeling angry about the situation. Your feelings are important and you should feel comfortable about admitting to them.

Step 2: Get calm. The second step in dealing with anger is to calm down. There are plenty of things you can do to calm down such as taking a walk, speaking to a trusted friend or confidante, going to bed and resting, writing your feelings down in a diary or in a letter (but keep your writing to yourself), yoga or meditation. You can take some deep breaths, exercise, draw or listen to music. You need to find a technique that works for you and do it whenever you feel angry to help calm yourself down.

Step 3: Talk about your anger. Once you are calm, then you are better able to discuss your anger with the other person involved. You need to avoid finger-pointing, rather concentrate on you and your feelings which means using I-statements, such as "I feel angry when (this situation) occurs because (reason)." (You can tell the other person you'll talk about it later once you've calmed down. Talking to a friend or confidante might make you feel calmer and help to get clarity on the issues.) Once this is expressed, you can follow it up with a statement about what changes you would like to happen so that the situation that causes you to feel angry is less likely to reoccur in the future. The first important point here is to ensure that what you say is reasonable and, if you avoid blame and finger-pointing you are less likely to make the other person feel defensive. Try to be fair to both you and the other person. The second important point is that the other person may have a different view to yours and you should be prepared to listen to their perspective and be respectful of what they have to say. You need to try to understand their point of view even if you don't agree with it.

5 Tips To Managing Anger In The Future

Tip 1: Know your limits and your triggers. Try to understand what causes you to become angry. After that, try to devise a plan for reacting differently if that occasion happens again. In other words, if you know that you become angry when a certain situation occurs, plan in advance how you are going to react to it. While planning ahead might not stop you feeling angry, it may help you by being prepared to manage your situation differently.

Tip 2: Stay away from substances that can increase anger. Some of the most common substances that contribute towards a shortness of temper are alcohol, drugs, caffeine and lack of sleep. Wherever possible, and especially when you are going through a stressful time, try to avoid excessive use of alcohol or other substances and get plenty of rest.

Tip 3: Practice your calming techniques. The best time to practice your calming techniques is when you're not angry, so practice the best techniques for yourself when you are happy so that they become second-nature for you when you are annoyed.

Tip 4: Focus on your message - not your manner. Often when people get angry, they say things in such a way as to make the situation worse. This will almost certainly be the outcome if blame, accusations or put-downs are part of the dialogue. What happens in these situations is that the other person starts to focus on your manner - not your message and what you are trying to say. Listen to your words and think about what you say before you say it, and if necessary change your language to be less intimidating or threatening.

Tip 5: Remember an argument is not the end of the world, it's just an argument. Everyone disagrees with someone and if it ends up as an argument it isn't the end of the world. By keeping an argument in perspective, you will avoid making a mountain out of a molehill and be better prepared to move forward. Don't hold grudges since the only person who suffers is you.

Final Thoughts Most people don't like conflict because it has negative connotations and can leave people feeling intimidated by the conflict process. It doesn't need to be this way, and these tips and strategies offer you a way to manage anger more effectively and with emotional maturity. They offer ways to diffuse situations that are heated in such a way that both people can walk away feeling like they haven't lost as part of the process.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Makes People Commit Crimes?

People cmmit crimes for several reasons, but the most common are love, jealousy and money. Drug and alcohol abuse play a huge factor in crimes. Large numbers of people are arrested for crimes they committed while under the influence. Another key factor is upbringing, or the environment in which an individual is raised. If someone sees crime as the only way to survive and his role model does it, chances are good he'll follow suit.


  1. Crime stretches back as far back as Cain killing his brother Abel in the Bible. As with many crimes, Abel's murder was from Cain being jealous. While the outcome of murder remains the same, methods of murder have advanced, as have methods of torture, assault, safe cracking, robbery, car jacking and other crimes.

  2. Thanks to inventions like the Internet, identity theft and e-mail scams have become easy to perpetrate and more widespread than ever before. Money is the factor in these crimes.

  3. Types

  4. A good number of "crimes against property," such as burglary, robbery and theft, are the work of drug addicts. The addicts run out of money for their next fix and need some quick cash or something to sell for cash.

  5. Domestic violence is a huge crime, committed by an intimate partner who is out of control with his emotions. Women have been the abusers, but in most cases it is a man going after a woman to beat, humiliate and sometimes even kill her.

    Murder is most often committed by someone the victim knows, like in the case of Cain and Abel. Money and love--or lack thereof--remain the main reasons for murder. Gang-related and drug-related killings are also high on the list.

    Serial killers, who often pick victims at random with no apparent motive, have been known to become overcome with the urge to kill, like the addict who needs his fix. Scientists have found this condition to be a result of both biological and environmental factors. This is a mental illness at work. Early warning signs include arson, bed wetting and cruelty to animals.

  6. Features

  7. FBI profiling, born in the late 1970s, was a major boon to fighting crime. Law enforcement officers gained new insight into who committed the crime based on the condition of and subtle clues left all over the crime scenes.

    Another major step was the advancement of DNA analysis, something unheard of in the 1970s. Law enforcement can now snatch DNA from something as incidental as a drinking glass, used tissue or even a cigarette butt. Small traces at the scene are left beneath fingernails or in semen. If the cops match DNA from the crime scene with someone's saliva on a drinking glass, they've got a better case.

  8. Effects

    Crime costs the United States billions of dollars each year. Costs come not only from lost property, wages and medical expenses, but the tons of money siphoned into the prison system.

  9. Court costs are another factor when it comes to crime. Think of all the salaries paid out to judges and public defenders, not to mention the utility bills for courthouses.

    Probably the biggest cost is paying the police forces around the country to fight crime and keep streets safe.
  10. Misconceptions
  11. Mental illness, people born with an "evil gene" and ignorance of the law are other reasons folks commit crimes, but they only make up a small percentage of crimes committed.

    Serial killers and random slayings are rare, comparatively, when it comes to killings. Most murders are committed for a reason and the killer kills someone she knows. Another misconception about killers, stalkers and other psychopathic individuals is that they have to look like monsters. They can be as friendly as the mail carrier and as cute as the girl next door.
  12. Prevention/Solution
  13. The death penalty has not been proven to serve as a deterrent for crime, but it does send the message that states that have it mean business.

    It's hard to say how many inmates get more out of prison other than hooking up with fellow criminals and learning new ways to commit crimes. Those who honestly want to change have the best shot, but not all prisons have self-improvement programs available. It may also often seem easier to go with the criminal flow than to fight against it and come out a reformed man.

    Drug and alcohol self-help programs are known to work, but again, only if the person seeking treatment seriously wants to change.
  14. Warning
  15. Crimes happen when an opportunity presents itself. In many cases, people who are aware of their surroundings and take extra precautions can avoid being the target just by being on guard.

    Locking homes and cars, not leaving belongings laying around and not walking down a dark alley alone at night are some obvious ways to give criminals one less opportunity to find a victim.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sushi :DD

Sushi is the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan, and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves. In Japan, sushi is usually enjoyed on special occasions, such as a celebration.

During the Edo period, "sushi" refered to pickled fish conserved in vinegar. Nowadays sushi can be defined as a dish containing rice which has been prepared with sushi vinegar. There are many different types of sushi. Some popular ones are:

Small rice balls with fish, shellfish, etc. on top. There are countless varieties of nigirizushi, some of the most common ones being tuna, shrimp, eel, squid, octopus and fried egg.
Small cups made of sushi rice and dried seaweed filled with seafood, etc. There are countless varieties of gunkanzushi, some of the most common ones being sea urchin and various kinds of fish eggs.
Sushi rice and seafood, etc. rolled in dried seaweed sheets. There are countless varieties of sushi rolls differing in ingredients and thickness. Sushi rolls prepared "inside out" are very popular outside of Japan, but rarely found in Japan.
Temakizushi (literally: hand rolls) are cones made of nori seaweedand filled with sushi rice, seafood and vegetables.
Oshizushi is pressed sushi, in which the fish is pressed onto the sushi rice in a wooden box. The picture shows trout oshizushi in form of a popular ekiben (train station lunch box).
Inarizushi is a simple and inexpensive type of sushi, in which sushi rice is filled into aburaage (deep fried tofu) bags.
Chirashizushi is a dish in which seafood, mushroom and vegetables are spread over sushi rice. It can resemble domburi with the difference being that chirashizushi uses sushi rice while domburi uses regular, unseasoned rice.

Note that "sushi" becomes "zushi" in word combinations in which "sushi" is the second word, e.g. nigirizushi.

How to Make Social Networking Sites Work to Your Advantage

No man is an island and this is the reason why we all need someone to talk to or socialize with. In our daily lives, we interact with people in a social networking. It can certainly help make things easier for us everyday. They can help recommend us someone who can provide us with whatever products we may need at a good price or services delivered by an expert. Social networking sites can also provide us with the same thing if we know hot to make it work to our advantage.

Since there are lots of social networking sites which offer free membership, it may be difficult to decide which site you may want to participate in. To be able to make it to your advantage, follow this guide:

1. Select a site that offers a user friendly interface. Sites that make it easy for you to lay out your profile and add up all necessary information and some pictures is what you need. The navigation keys must be very easy to locate especially for a first timer.

2. Choose a site where you know one or two of your friends are already a member. This makes it easy for you to add friends. You will of course need to add a friend whom you already know, and try to scroll their profiles and begin making friends with friends in their friends list. Also, you will need to send out invites to your own friends, inviting them to open a membership to the same site.

3. Start making friends by sending a message to other members and initiating a conversation with them. Make the first move and do not wait for people message you first. Talk about hobbies and interests that can stir their attention so they would become interested to you as well. This is how friendships are built online. Some people develop deep friendships online that they are able to share some of their secrets to friends that they only get to communicate with online. These are real people too and they certainly can provide comfort when you feel down and some piece of sound advice when you need one.

4. If you have a product or service to offer, talk about it to your network of friends. Inform them about the products you sell or services that you offer. You will never know if they might know of somebody who may need that product or service and they can refer their friends to you. It is actually a marketing strategy.

We need to know that these social networking sites were not built only for the simple reason creating our own profiles and having other people view it. We can find a good community of friends here and even possibly future clients to help us succeed in our businesses, provided we learn how to use our connections wisely.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bring Dreams To Life: Think Positive, Take Action...and Enjoy!

Simple words, yet true as can be, eh?

The only way we can bring our dreams to life is to take action and put them into play.

Don't wait for someday to come, grab your passion and Gooooooooo!

To get a jump on this, follow some advice from one of my favorite writers, Leo Babauta. About motivation and achieving goals, he says:

“Always think positive. Squash all negative thoughts. Monitor your thoughts. Be aware of your self-talk. We all talk to ourselves, a lot, but we are not always aware of these thoughts. Start listening. If you hear negative thoughts, stop them, push them out, and replace them with positive thoughts. Positive thinking can be amazingly powerful.”

Indeed. Listening to yourself is the most powerful trick of all. Encouragement and strength from those around us are fantastic elements, of course. But you are the one to bring it all to fruition. So keep those positive thoughts and words flowing and really trust in your inner strength.

We all have extraordinary capabilities. It's about finding what makes us tick, setting goals, and believing that we can reach them.

Some tips to succeeding:

  • Find what makes you happy.
  • Discover your talents and bring them to life.
  • Keep working at them little by little.
  • Nurture those goals and turn up the energy.
  • Be proud of yourself.
  • Enjoy your day by finding joy!

just be your self!

This article tells you how to just be yourself, sometimes you stop being yourself and after a few years, you're in the wrong shoes. With these steps, you can get back to your normal self. It is aimed at preteens, younger teenagers because older teenagers over the age of 16 tend to be themselves.


1) Don't hang around with people that think they are better than you. These will boss you around, cause trouble, and then blame you for it. Find new friends that don't like to act like themselves. Also, try not to undersell yourself either.

2) Just act yourself. When you are with your mates, you act differently to when you are with your parents or grandparents. Act like you are at home, as long as you are not destructive at home, this should work.

3) Don't act like you're better than everyone else or worse than everyone else. Stop this straight away. You can easily lose friends by doing this; everybody is equal. If it's easy for you to think yourself superior, it'll be easy for you to think yourself lowly later on. The person who has a lot of money compared to a person with not so much money deserves to be treated the same.

4) Don't act like you are perfect. Face it, nobody is perfect, and that includes you. Think of a person who acts like he is perfect and then think of what is wrong with him. There is always a 'wrong' with them. Another thing, don't act like you're not so perfect because you can lose lots of friends that way too.

5) Do not be bossed around. Take control of your life, just because you are being yourself doesn't mean the people who are not being themselves can boss you around. The only time you should listen to bossy people is your parents and your teachers, unless your they are telling you to do something stupid.

6) Treat everybody with the respect you would like. This can boost your amount of friends like in step 1, if you find friends that are being themselves, treat them with the same respect as you would like, and thats what they would like!

7) Love yourself- If you don't love who you are and don't think you're beautiful, how do you expect others to think so?

8) Look within- Looking into who you are on the inside as a good person will make it easier to be comfortable in your own shoes

9) Keep a journal- Why? Well, it is very difficult to be yourself if you don't know yourself. A journal will help develop mental and spiritual awareness (and so will yoga/meditation, if desired). Try to know what you are thinking and understand why you feel that way.

10)Find the future- Figure out what your goals, dreams, and aspirations are. Find your style, your beliefs.

11)Become a philosopher!Consider keeping a notebook with a list of YOUR beliefs about our world. This could result in an amazing outcome, and may be an outlet of your imaginative unique abilities and talents.

12)Find your place in the world- This is never easy, but as a young teen, your job is to figure out who you are. Try to find what you are passionate about. Once you find what makes you feel amazing, do more of it. You will feel incredible! This can be anything: a talent/hobby such as singing, dancing, musical instruments, sports, yodeling, mime, theater, writing poetry, book writing, reading to younger children, art, calligraphy, yoga, photography, anything that you enjoy doing, may excel in, etc.

13)Stop being a perfectionist- Once you start believing you are okay as you are, you will develop the confidence you need to show the world your true self.

14)Random acts of kindness - the more you help others, the better you feel about yourself, the world, and in general, it creates a euphonious state of bliss.

15)Be humble- Once you feel good about yourself and stick to it, you might take the confidence level a little over the top. Its great to love thyself, as long as you love others as equivalents of greatness. Self esteem is great, pride is sin.

16)Stand up straight- walk tall! This withholds a rush of confidence and will improve your body language as well by sending positive signals.

17)Don't be afraid of what others think of you- rely on your heart to tell you what's right. Listen to that inner wisdom of yours! We all have that voice in our heart and its up to us to believe in it! If you listen long and hard, you will find that your conscience is there for you at all times to remind you of your values. You will almost always make great choices is you rely on your conscience. Trust thyself to know what's true for you!

18)Listen to your heart - Your heart will never fail you! If we keep doing and thinking what others do and say, you will never learn to be yourself. That just creates a whole new image. Usually what we feel inside becomes our actions. We worry about what others will think if you act yourself, but the truth is, who cares? As long as you a respectful, don't worry about it!

19)Smile-lastly, learn to be happy with yourself!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

how to read the signs of a lying partner

Are you being lied to?

First thing's first . . .listen to your instincts!

Knowing whether you are being lied to or not, does not require mind reading or psychic power. Understanding the difference between the truth and a lie can all be determined by a person's behavior, and if you pay attention to these behaviors, you will be able to have a better idea of whether you are being lied to or not. The most important thing you should always remember to do however is to trust your instincts. If you feel you are not getting the entire truth from your partner for some reason, then listen to your instincts. Most people are in good touch with their instincts, but rather not listen to that inner voice because they refuse to believe that their partner would deceive them in any way. Staying in touch with your instincts will help guide you in the right direction.

Though instincts are a great help, they can be tricky. Majority of the times, your instincts will not lie to you, but there are times when your instincts can be influenced by your fears and insecurities. For example, you may already have fears of being cheated on, therefore you may feel that your partner is lying to you and cheating on you, when in fact he or she may be telling you the truth and completely faithful to you. This is why it is essential to understand the behavior of a liar, so that you can define the difference between really catching on to a liar, or just being paranoid that your partner is lying to.

Watch the Body Language

One important thing to remember is that the body never lies. If there are changes in the way your partner moves (or does not movie) his/her arms, hands, head and the way his/her eyes shift, then you are most likely being lied to. The reason the body language changes when a person is lying is because the person now has to think of a way to seem convincing that he/she is telling the truth. Since he/she knows that whatever they are telling you is a lie, the behavior automatically changes because they are now trying to act truthful, instead of actually being truthful. One big sign to look out for is in the eyes. If your partner avoids eye contact with you, then he/she is lying to you. There is a fear that you will see through him or her if there is eye contact, so eye contact will be avoided. Whether you realize it or not, your body also communicates when you talk. When you are enthusiastic about telling your partner something and are telling the truth, you will move your hands around and will look into his/her eyes to make a connection. If your partner is lying however, he or she will tense up, will most likely tone down on the hand movement and eye connection and will seem different than other times. If your partner is the type to still move his/her hands around even when he/she is lying, then pay attention to the timing of the movements. Timing is everything and can define the difference between the truth and a lie. When a person is telling the truth for example, his/her hands (and whatever body movement he/she does) will move at the same time when telling you something. When he/she is lying however, the body language will be off and will usually come shortly after he/she has told you the lie. This is because they have to think about acting natural, and this thinking causes them to be off key.

Last but not Least: Clearing of the throat, touching him or herself often and saying “Umm”

Another sign of a lying partner is if he/she touch his/her nose or face a lot while talking to you. They will feel nervous about telling you lies and will want to occupy their hands somehow as a way to cover up their lie, such as touching the nose, rubbing their eyes and so on. Your partner may even clear his or her throat more than usual when talking to you, look away a lot and/or say "umm" a lot when lying to you. They are using these as time killers so they can think of how to tell you the lie in the most convincing way possible. These are just some of the signs of a lying partner and are the most common signs. Remember, it is always important to trust your instincts first. If you feel that your partner is lying to you, start paying closer attention to his/her behavior and if there are any changes, then you will be able to catch on to the lies better and can further investigate from that point. Receive Love Advice and Professional Help