it's been quite a while since the last time i updated my blog. so yeah! will update my blog based on what i did today. ermm, morning morning and morning. woke up at 7? abit late cause usually i woke up a 6 30. but today, ... *sigh ;3 amah bangunkn aher. HAHA! after mandi, then getting prepared for college. like always, before ke college, liat c lusy dulu. haha. makin aggressive sudah c lusy. membaharijaaap~
sampai d college, ugama gt no class tadi tapi ada cigu. ya suruh buat revision like that! haha. then, math. mathhh~ ermm, kejarangan if nada class. confirm ada class punya. sir marah2 tadi time ia masuk. pasalnya, bising. LOL
math, then break. 10 - 10. 30.
after break, practical computing. sama jua nada class. sir suruh buat revision for phase test. tapi, lain kraja kame. biar main cs dlam class! it was hectic fun, tho macam less than 10 saja main. siok lah siok. mcam2 nama tadi arah cs atu. HAHA! abis nama urang kana pakai.
okay then, gotta go rn! got class at 2 p.m. bye! ;3